Astro readings

What to Expect in An Astrology Reading

My Astrology lens is from a practical, psychological, and spiritual perspective. Other services include astrology timing, context to life’s circadian rhythms, distant Reiki. I can see the outlines of your life, but not necessarily the specific context. Back and forth dialogue helps connect the patterns and timing.

It’s important to understand that the cosmos are never affecting, rather reflecting back to us what is happening here on earth. As we always have freedom of choice of how we want to show up. I truly believe having a overview of your personal transits, this allows us to soften, rather than micro manage. Understanding your personal rhythm brings peace of mind, compassions for yourself, and self trust.

Astrology Readings 60 min for $222

Reading to understand your souls path. I will break down your chart with you :) Rediscover yourself through the lens of astrology. Your gifts, needs, strengths, challenges, soul lessons, & what you are here to learn. Insights on the past & what’s to come, with a copy of your chart and the recording!


45 min Astro Timing $111

Context to life’s circadian rhythms& guidance on how to navigate it. Cover, what’s currently going on in your life, when things will shift, or where the universe is supporting your focus over the next two years!? If you have specific questions, write upon booking :)


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