April 6th Libra Full Moon, Illuminating the disharmony

The entire month of April will be a game changer. Around the Libra Full moon on April 6th, we will be pulled towards the axis point of self & others emphasizing relationships. We could be cutting ties at this time. Whether these ties are to someone or to an old version of yourself. We will leap into healing new timelines. Eris the goddess of discord is in Aries and this brings forced truth. Along with other planets in Aries, the sun, energy, Jupiter, expansion, & Chiron, wounds opposing the Libras moon's emotional energy of relationships. A Full moon is when energy gets amplified and with Libra’s emotional energy of the scale of Justice, balance, beauty, & harmony, we are likely to have to adjust our perspective, or a complete change of heart all together. At any rate we are at a profound tipping point of healing. The question that’s left is what do you really want?

This Full Moon is a really big release. One part of it is the fact that it is for-shadowing our personal work that we will be doing starting in July but activated on April 20th. 

We are dealing with these two polarities of me and we. This full moon is a release on the relationships, communications, and disharmony in our lives, that just isn’t it. When we let go new doors & new pathways can be met. But first  we got to address ourselves and the relationships reflecting back at us. 

Another part of this full moon is Aries will be connecting with an energy known as the wounded healer. I really love how Chani described Chiron. Chiron is the medicine healer, and geared towards understanding healing. He learned plant medicine and taught healing medicine to other gods. Chiron is that archetypal teacher healer. After becoming this, he gets wounded himself and can not heal the wound. He is the ever bleeding wound. He teaches us the archetypal experience of having a wound that doesn’t heal. Our wounds teach us the most. Often our wounds are what cultivate wisdom over a long period of time. Every time we go back to our wounds it’s from a different version of ourselves. Part of me and inform me. 

This full moon will bring out some personal and collective healing that will be important and also articulate the wound. For some of us might bring up a soar spot and for others we will be feeling the healing work we’ve done.

Chiron is entering the heart of the sun which is getting infused with the heat, light, and warmth of the sun.

April 10 & April 11th these days are excellent because Jupiter, the planet of abundance, is going to make a connection with the sun in Aries. The sun in Aries is exceptionally strong. Whatever you start will have extra confidence, & opportunity. Plus the 19th of April, Eclipse season is in full swing, rapid changes and the 21st of April we have Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Taurus. We don’t want to start things then. As that's a time of fated events & illuminations. 


April 11th Magnetism & Divine Time


March 21st Aries New Moon, Fools Journey