Aquarius Time to connect to your vision New Moon Jan. 21

Aquarius New Moon January 21st 3:54pm EST

Tonight we will talk about how to harness the energy of this visionary New Moon. This is the first new moon of 2023 and it's in the sign of Aquarius, which is known for its forward thinking, ahead of their time, inventor, mavericks, who don’t follow the rules, they make them. They stand out as individuals, but for the collective, as they are community driven, rebels with a cause, often seeing a path that no one else does. This energy is pushing everyone out of their comfort zone, as we explore new horizons with confidence & passion. Over the next 4 weeks, it is time to step into your uniqueness and dance more wildly to the music of your soul. This is a time during which we should solve problems that require thinking “outside of the box thinking.” We look to the future with brand new ideas, hopes, visions, socializing, and focus on extending a friendly hand, receiving support, and expressing platonic love to our community. This cycle encourages us to reach out to people in our social circle and in our community, and recognize the value of our friendships and social networks. Which is very symbolic of the community we are creating tonight.

We have completed Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn which was a time of reconsidering our responsibilities, ambitions, and work. By the time it ended on January 18, we may have found ourselves tapping into our inner power and resources, which allows us to confront the future. We also ended our long Mars Retrograde from October 30th to January 12th, which will have us re-directing our energy towards new avenues and newfound passions with forward momentum. So today Marks a period of community, and setting intentions about the future. 

The New Moon will form a harmonious aspect with expansion in Aries, a combination that gives us a sense of urgency to take action and turn our dreams into realities. Whatever seed we plant now is most likely to grow. We have a perfect combination of the elements of air and fire propelling us forward.  This connection is giving us the power to move forward. We're marrying our innovation and courage and taking risks that will open doors and bring us closer to our dreams. It occurs just hours before Venus and structure meet up in Aquarius, fueling the inception of a heartfelt and pragmatic game plan that'll support you in turning a forward-thinking vision into reality.

I would love for you to reflect on:

  • What unique talents can I share with the world? 

  • How can I trust my intuition more fully?

  • What vision for the future is awakening in me?

  • Who are my friends and how do they make me feel?

Mantras for this New Moon are:

  • May I be visible to the people I am aligned with and invisible to the ones I am not


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